Prof. Dr.-Ing. Thomas Weiland

Computational Electromagnetics

Working area(s)

Computational electromagnetics, accelerator physics and technology


work +49 6151 16-24031
fax +49 6151 16-24027

Work S2|17 133
Schloßgartenstr. 8
64289 Darmstadt

1961 Humanistisches Ludwigsgymnasium Saarbrücken

1969 Student grant of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

1970 Study at Technische Hochschule Darmstadt

1975 Diploma in Elektrotechnik / Theoretische Elektrotechnik

1975 Scientific staff member, Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik, TH Darmstadt

1977 Dr.-Ing at the TH Darmstadt

1979 Fellow at CERN, Genf, member of the Theory group of the ISR Division

1980 Visiting scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Stanford University and Brookhaven National Laboratory

1981 Scientific staff member at DESY, Hamburg

1982 Visiting scientist at Los Alamos National Laboratory und der Stanford University

1984 Visiting scientist at KEK, Tsukuba, Japan

1984 Habilitation in experimental physics at the Universität Hamburg

1985 Offered an Associate Professorship at Texas A&M University (rejected)

1988 Offered a C4 Professorship on Theoretical Electrical Engineering at Technische Universität Berlin (rejected)

1988 Offered a Full Professorship at Texas A&M University, Texas/USA (rejected)

1989 TH Darmstadt, Head of the Laboratory Electromagnetic field theory

1992 Foundation of CST - Computer Simulation Technology

1994 Research semester at the Stanford University, USA

1997 Research semester at the University of Victoria, Canada

1997 Foundation of the Computer Simulation Services GmbH (CSS)

1998 Offered a C4 Professorship in Theoretical Electrical Engineering at the Universität Karlsruhe (rejected)

2001 Offered a C4 Professorship in Accelerator Physics at the Universität Hamburg (rejected)


1986 Physikpreis der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft

1986 US Accel. Prize for Achievements in Accelerator Physics and Technology

1987 Leibniz-Preis

1992 Ordentliches Mitglied der Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur zu Mainz

1995 Max-Planck Forschungspreis für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

1997 Philip Morris Forschungspreis

2004 Honorary Professorship by the Tongji University, Shanghai

2011 elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow for the development of the finite integration technique

Activities in Teaching and Research

1997 Deputy spokesman of the DFG-Graduiertenkolleg 410

2002 Chairman of the board of directors of the newly established Computational Engineering Research Center

2003 Spokesman of the Computational Engineering Centre of Research Excellence

2003 Deputy spokesman of the DFG-Sonderforschungsbereich SFB 634

2011 Chairman of the Komitees für Beschleunigerphysik (KfB)

Activities in university autonomy

1989 - today Member of the faculty council (FB18)

1990 - today Member of the universtiy party „Leistungsfähige Hochschule“

1990 - 1992 Pre-dean of the faculty Communications Engineering

1992 - 1993 Dean of the Faculty Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

1993 - 1994 Vice-dean of the Faculty Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

1996 - 1999 Member of the Hochschul-Entwicklungsplanung-Kommission (HEP)

1997 - 1999 Member of the permanent budget committee

1997 - 1999 Member of the senate

1998 - 2000 Dean of the Faculty Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

1999 - 2003 Member of the senate

2000 - 2004 Pre-dean of the Faculty Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

2000 - today Member of the budget committee

2005 - today Member of the senate

2005 - today Pre-dean of the Faculty Electrical Engineering and Information Technology