Field Simulation of Accelerator Magnets

The institute TEMF organizes a workshop, which deals with the formulation, discretisation and efficient solution of the electromagnetic (and other) fields in normal-conducting and superconducting magnets.


The workshop takes place at the Institute for Accelerator Science and Electromagnetic Fields (TEMF) of TU Darmstadt in the Schlossgartenstraße 8, Darmstadt, Germany, first floor. The venue is easily accessible from Frankfurt Airport (both airport and railway station) by the Airliner coach, get out at Darmstadt Kongresszentrum and walk through the Herrngarten.

You can find the daily schedule of the Airliner here (wird in neuem Tab geöffnet) .


The workshop is free of charge but registration is mandatory (send an email to ).

Programme (tentative)

Tuesday, 28th March 2023 (optional)
16:30 Laura D'Angelo Quasi-3D quench simulation for superconducting accelerator magnets (PhD defense, talk in German, slides in English)
18:30 Get together
Wednesday, 29th March 2023
8:30 Coffee and tea
9:00 Stephan Russenschuck Model-based systems engineering -- Bringing together simulations and measurements of accelerator magnets
10:00 Coffee break
10:30 Laura D'Angelo Magnetic field simulation of superconducting accelerator magnets using a reduced magnetic vector potential formulation
11:00 Herbert De Gersem Modelling induced effects within a reduced magnetic vector potential formulation
11:30 Mariusz Wozniak STEAM framework and finite element quench simulator (FiQuS)
12:00 Erik Schnaubelt Finite element quench simulation with focus on no-insulation coils
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Julien Dular Mixed formulations for systems with superconductors: advantages and applications
14:00 NN TBA
14:30 NN TBA
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Jan-Magnus Christmann Finite element simulation of fast corrector magnets for PETRA IV
16:00 Erik Diehl Quadrupole magnet design based on genetic multi-objective optimization
16:30 NN TBA
17:00 End